Situated in the northern sector of the Glenelg Shire, the Casterton Memorial Hospital (CMH) provides a local healthcare facility to the community of Casterton and neighbouring district. CMH services a population of approx. 3,000 in its catchment area, which includes the townships of Digby, Merino, Sandford and surrounding rural localities.
The Hospital maintains an excellent physical facility, well-staffed to ensure the attention you receive as a patient, client, visitor or user of our facilities is efficient and of a high standard. Our staff are encouraged to maintain high professional standards and participate in continuing education and personal development programs to provide optimum patient care.
Areas of health care provided by the Casterton Memorial Hospital are Acute Care, Primary Care, Aged Care and Allied Health Services.
Our Vision
To be a leader and partner in the delivery of exceptional health care to Casterton and surrounding communities.
Our Purpose
CMH aims to improve the health and well-being of our community through local, adaptive and innovative solutions.
We will do this by:
Delivering effective, safe, quality health and well-being services
Ensuring the sustainability of our services to meet the future needs of our community