Have you ever thought about volunteering at our fabulous hospital but are not sure of how to go about it or how you can contribute? Volunteers are an integral part of our hospital community and we would like to invite you to come and join us as we continue to improve access for rural consumers to healthcare and related services.
Volunteering is time willingly given for the common good of an organisation and without financial gain. Casterton Memorial Hospital is fortunate to have seven specific Volunteer Groups. They are:
- Meals on Wheels (external volunteers)
- Day Centre/Community Health (internal volunteers based in the Primary and Community Care area)
- Residential Care (based in Glenelg House)
- Acute Care (based in the Acute Ward)
- Drivers (who collect and deliver patients, clients and residents)
- Visiting Entertainers and
- Friends of Glenelg House (who, as a social group, visit Glenelg House weekly).
Casterton Memorial Hospital believes that volunteers play a significant role in supporting staff and improving the quality of life for clients, residents and patients. One person who volunteers regularly is Cathy Parfrey. She became a volunteer at CMH in 2012. She has seen her role evolve and grow as she has continued to know the hospital more and the residents have grown to know her more. Here is Cathy’s story:
‘I always wanted to volunteer and work with the elderly. I don’t have a nursing background however when my life changed and I had more spare time, I decided to start look into following my dreams’.
Cathy approached the hospital’s Day Centre Co-ordinator which eventually enabled her to be formally included as a hospital volunteer by Mary-Anne Betson, Manager Nursing Services. During this time she was slowly introduced into the hospital organisation of staff and residents at Glenelg House.
‘I was told I would find my niche with the residents. I didn’t know what that would be however I have slowly got to know the residents and now I am known as the ‘fingernail lady’ as I now have a weekly manicurist role; I paint and decorate many ladies nails. I also set hair and create hair styles. I am not limited to these roles, however, and I have found my own way of expressing myself and I get lots of satisfaction from being with the residents’.
‘I find my work at Glenelg House very rewarding. I derive a lot of pleasure from making people happy and really enjoy my role. I don’t have pressure to work on set days so I find this flexibility great. I go home from the hospital every day feeling very satisfied. I have also increased my skill base. I can fill in and drive the hospital bus and car. I feel trusted by the hospital and now I know so many more people because of working at the hospital. My friendship circle has greatly increased’.
Cathy represents one aspect of our volunteering hospital community. She has been involved in Casterton Memorial Hospitals Volunteer training and orientation programme. She brings to our hospital a depth and creative flair that enables our residents, clients, patients and staff to enjoy their time and experience at our health facility.
If you would like more information on volunteering at CMH, please contact CMH reception on 03 555 42 555.